Making the complex simple

Carry out tasks, manage jobs, access data and instantly distribute reports.
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Everything you need to connect your workforce, streamline operations, standardise processes and remove paperwork.

Meet WorkfloPlus, by Intoware

WorkfloPlus integrates seamlessly with existing technologies to implement highly efficient, easy-to-follow digital work instructions designed to meet your team’s needs. Connecting people, processes and data analytics.

Powering 1234 workflows

WorkfloPlus creates easy-to-follow digital work instructions to simplify all tasks and jobs across industrial operations.

Optimising Operations Across Industry

Whilst we specialise in 5 core sectors, WorkfloPlus streamlines processes across any organisation.

Making the complex simple

WorkfloPlus simplifies and standardises even the most complex task - whatever industry you are in.

Customer testimonials

“We’re pleased to have renewed our agreement with Intoware. WorkfloPlus has become an integral part of what we do. It’s a very easy to use platform that ensures we’re tracking deliveries and monitoring customer satisfaction at all times.”
Joe Maycock

Joe Maycock

Ahrend UK Ltd, Logistics Director

“Finding efficiencies while maintaining and improving quality and sustainability across all areas of aviation is at the heart of what we do at DARTeC, and the WorkfloPlus technology enables us to achieve this.
Dr Ip-Shing Fan

Dr Ip-Shing Fan

DARTeC, Senior Lecturer in Enterprise Systems

“Since this is now an official part of our evaluation process, and more seamless than pen to paper, the number of completed failure reports has increased 60% vs last year. Additionally, our sales team reports that the software has greatly aided their efforts in closing jobs.”
David Crowther

David Crowther

Sales Representative

"Using paper-based checks was something very ingrained into the processes here, and even highly experienced staff can sometimes miss something, so WorkfloPlus seemed a great starting point for our desire to change and modernise the way we work."

"It’s opened up our eyes to different ways of working. There’s a lot of the older generation in Welsh Water, so WorkfloPlus will help us get their input into the future."
Cerys Middle

Cerys Middle

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

"WorkfloPlus allows us to show the engravings on individual parts and of course you can enlarge the photo for even finer detail. It also means that lots of the many smaller checks are never missed, like checking the paint film build next to the cap, it’s easy to forget unless you have digital instructions to follow."
Mike Wise

Mike Wise

Rimstock Ltd

WorkfloPlus is an integral part of our Digital growth strategy as we continue to broaden our use of technology and digitise our business processes.
Richard Smith

Richard Smith

Pirie & Smith, Business Lead Unit

"There is a constant need to provide evidence to both internal and external regulators regarding quality, health and safety and environmental controls. Having the ability to track and report on the development of a process was not possible with our old paper processes."

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

“By working smarter, not harder and ensuring we get it right first time is the remit of this WorkfloPlus and HMT project, enabling frontline efficiencies of up to 70 per cent and significant track safety improvements."
Chloe Denham

Chloe Denham

Central Railway Systems Alliance

“We justified WorkfloPlus on how much it would cost to hire someone to collate compliance data, before an individual employee would track the rate of production and what assemblers had built. By automating this work it simply pales in comparison to what we’d pay an operator to complete the same work, plus we wouldn’t get the information as quickly.”
Miles Carrio

Miles Carrio

Carrio Cabling Corporation

“After bringing WorkfloPlus into our business, we estimate a saving of around £8m over 5 years in better stock management & improved visibility which helps decision making.”
George Jamieson

George Jamieson

BP, Shipping Project Superintendent

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Take the first steps on your digital transformation

Boost your workforce’s productivity and efficiency with simple, digitalised processes.