
Retain knowledge

Protect the knowledge, expertise and best practice procedures of your most experienced employees and pass this on to the new generation through engaging, interactive digital work instructions. WorkfloPlus allows you to capture detailed processes, including notes, photos, and videos, ensuring that critical knowledge is preserved and easily accessible.

This digital repository of expertise ensures continuity and consistency in operations, reducing the risk of knowledge loss. New employees can quickly learn from the accumulated experience of experienced workers, leading to faster and more effective training. By standardising procedures and making them available digitally, you ensure that every team member has access to the same high-quality instructions.


WorkfloPlus ensures that employees are properly trained and competent for the tasks at hand. It enables you to track qualifications, certifications, and training records, ensuring that only qualified personnel perform critical tasks, reducing the risk of errors and non-compliance.

The platform supports continuous learning and development by providing easy access to up-to-date processes and interactive instructions. Employees can simply follow step-by-step instructions to ensure continuous upskilling that not only improves individual performance, but also enhances overall productivity and safety within the company.


Connected worker platforms appeal to younger frontline workers, who are ‘digital natives’. They are comfortable using mobile technology for daily tasks, which helps you to retain new talent. WorkfloPlus makes onboarding new employees smoother and more efficient by providing them with easy-to-follow digital instructions and real-time support.

New employees can quickly get up to speed by accessing interactive work instructions, videos and even contacting an expert remotely if they need any help to complete a task. This reduces the learning curve and ensures that they can contribute effectively from day one. WorkfloPlus allows for real-time updates and communication, making it easier for new employees to ask questions and receive guidance when needed.

Optimising Operations Across Industry

Whilst we specialise in 5 core sectors, WorkfloPlus streamlines processes across any organisation.

"It’s opened up our eyes to different ways of working. There’s a lot of the older generation in Welsh Water, so WorkfloPlus will help us get their input into the future."

Cerys Middle

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water

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