
Health and Safety

With WorkfloPlus, you can ensure all your health and safety assessments and checks are carried out correctly, on time, and with auditable data recorded throughout the process. This means that the right equipment and procedures are always used, providing peace of mind and evidential proof whenever needed. For added safety, WorkfloPlus can also be used on wearable devices when both hands are needed on the job.

WorkfloPlus enables real-time monitoring and immediate reporting of safety issues, ensuring swift action and compliance with health and safety regulations. By using digital workflows, you can reduce human error, improve safety protocols, and ensure a safer working environment. The platform also enables updates to procedures to be instantly rolled out across your entire team to ensure everyone always works to the current rules and regulations.


ISO Audit Trails

WorkfloPlus provides a comprehensive digital audit trail by automatically logging every step of a job. This allows you to have an accurate view of who did what and when, with photo and video evidence to show exactly what happened throughout the process. This data generates detailed reports to simplify the auditing process and prove adherence, reducing the time and effort required for ISO compliance checks.

WorkfloPlus ensures transparency and accountability in all your operations. By integrating photo, video, and timestamp data, you can create a robust documentation system that meets ISO standards. The automated logging reduces the risk of manual errors and discrepancies, providing a clear and accurate record for audits. This helps in maintaining certification and building trust with customers and regulatory bodies.

Find out how we helped one of our customers achieve ISO compliance - Carrio Cabling Case Study

Industrial Regulations

Whatever industry you operate in, WorkfloPlus makes it easy to keep up with changes to rules and regulations by instantly rolling out updates to work procedures across the entire team. This ensures that everyone is always using the latest compliant instructions, helping you stay ahead of regulatory requirements and avoid penalties.

WorkfloPlus supports compliance by adapting to the specific regulatory needs of your industry, whether it’s manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, construction, or any other sector. This flexibility allows for quick updates to new regulations and ensures continuous compliance. By having a centralised system for updates and compliance management, you can mitigate risks and streamline regulatory adherence.

Optimising Operations Across Industry

Whilst we specialise in 5 core sectors, WorkfloPlus streamlines processes across any organisation.

“We justified WorkfloPlus on how much it would cost to hire someone to collate compliance data, before an individual employee would track the rate of production and what assemblers had built. By automating this work it simply pales in comparison to what we’d pay an operator to complete the same work, plus we wouldn’t get the information as quickly.”

Miles Carrio

Carrio Cabling Corporation

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