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Network Rail Wins Award Partnering With Intoware & Realwear

Proud to announce that Network Rail won an award with their use of WorkfloPlus

RealWear WorkfloPlus Project: Working smarter, not harder and ensuring we get it right the first time is the remit of the project, enabling front-line efficiencies of up to 70% and significant track safety improvements.

This project brings existing innovative solutions together to standardise and digitise data collection and reporting for safety-critical renewals from paper-based processes into one, easy to use and adaptable ‘connected worker’ solution.

Workers can go completely hands-free via voice-control headsets and collect data supported by images, video, emergency calling and GPS integration for reliable referencing, enabling a consistent approach to renewals. A collaboration between the Central Rail Systems Alliance and Network Rail’s Research and Development Portfolio, the solution is advancing data maturity and back-office reporting efficiency for Network Rail.


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